Sunday, February 26, 2012

Easy Way to Start Snail Farming Business

Snail is an animal specially made, though looks unattractive but very and highly nutritious.
People do not like it because of its slimy body and the effort made to clean it more often.
Snail is a member of the family of Mollusa (Phylum) and is hermaphrodite by nature. There are other snails like Trapdoor snail, a few other species of snails (apple, golden inca, four hormed, etc) that can reproduce sexually only.
Snails lay hundreds of eggs within a year. Snail farming business is good because both the edible part and shell are important.
Furniture companies and jewellery companies use the shell part for designs, and manufacture beautiful lovely product.
The snail body is made up of head, viscera and foot. Snails can be amphibious which means it can either be aquatic or terrestrial but the common one is terrestrial.
Snail farming which is also known as “Heliculture” can be done in large quantity for commercial purpose. One can make good money in it, if it is well planned.
To set up snail farming business, there are some basic tips that are needed and it includes:
Capital: Every business has a bed rock foundation which cannot be avoided, and this is money. Money is essential to every business. This capital can be raised through borrowing or loan, savings and financial supports from family and friends etc.
It is advisable for new entrant to start small, to test run the business first.
Feasibility Study: There is need to do a good feasibility study of the snail farming business. This study will throw more light deeper into the business. It will also help you to know whether the business can survive in your environment because the first customer to patronize you, are those within your area.
There is also need to find out existing people in the business who you can liaise mind with. They will give you more practical experience on the business. Eateries, beer parlors, restaurants and hotels buy in bulk, so there is need to visit them and encourage them to also patronize you.
Type of Breed: Snails have about hundreds breeds, just that few are acceptable for consumption in some areas. People prefer more snails like Archatina marginata, Archatine archatina and Archatina fulica. These snails mention above are Africa giant snails because of their size.
Some people also like Archatina archatina due to its highly prolific. Therefore, the choice is yours to choose your breed.

Housing: Snails does not require any special housing. They can even survive in damp and dry places. One important thing, they also need is spacious surface area good enough for them to crawl around and lays eggs.
In other to avoid the snail getting infected with diseases, the farm and it’s environ must be kept neat.
Feeding: It is very necessary to know what snail feed on, before venturing into the business. They feed more on green vegetables, even they consumed decay ones. Among the list of food they consumed are; fruits, bark, mushroom, aigae, chalk, leaves and damp paper.
Therefore, it is not very expensive to maintain the aspect of feeding because vegetables can be found everywhere, but be careful of the type of vegetables they eat.


Source: Learn more about snail farming in Nigeria @ THE THY SNAIL & GRASSCUTTER FARMS

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