Monday, October 31, 2011

Snail Farming Goldrush

There's gold in them thar...snails? There's a booming new business in Bulgaria; heliciculture, or snail farming the BBC reports.

In a country considered the poorest in the EU, snail farming is an attractive proposition for those looking to weather the economic downturn.

The demand for escargot in countries like France, and the relatively low investment needed to start a farm has increased Bulgaria's snail farm amount from 20 three years ago, to 10 times as many today. "We didn't know if it was such a good idea at first, but we saw how it was doing in France," said one farmer.

Once a farm gets up to full snail raising capacity, it can yield millions of the slimy critters. One Bulgarian farm breeds 50 million snails a year.

Snail farming in Africa is considered as a great way for young African entrepreneurs to lift out of poverty CNN reported this summer.

Looking to start a heliciculture farm in the United States? The USDA has a handy guide to help get you off the ground. Pun intended.


Learn more about snail farming in Nigeria @

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